Support Staff

Jerilyn Davis
Business Manager

Jerilyn has been a long time member of Bethany Church. She joined the staff in May of 2018 as Business Manager. Jerilyn and her husband Todd were married here at Bethany in 1984 and have been very active over the years in many different areas. They have three children and five grandchildren. They enjoy spending time with family, camping and going on cruises.

Ruth Ann Fair
Larry Gibson
Tech Coordinator

Larry coordinates everything that goes on in the tech booth at Bethany. He and his wife, Dixie, served as youth coaches and Sunday School teachers for years. They have 7 children, 19 grandchildren, and 11 great-grandchildren. Larry likes playing sports, music, photography, flying airplanes, and riding motorcycles.

Laura Gloff
Administrative Assistant
Laura worked as one of our preschool teachers for eight years and began working in 2003 as our Administrative Assistant. Laura grew up here at Bethany, married her husband, Denny, in 1974, and has two daughters. She enjoys spending time with her family, reading, music, and playing in our handbell choir.
Amanda Gloff McClain

Amanda grew up here at Bethany and joined our office staff in 2021. She and Mandy "job share" the Secretary's position. Amanda graduated from Johnson Bible College with a counseling degree. She and her husband, Zac, were married in 2020, they also have their fur baby, Delilah. She enjoys spending time with family, photography, and is a big animal lover.

Mandy Martin

Mandy and her husband, Shane, came to Bethany in 2000.  They have a loving family, Lucas, wife Shelby (Beltz), Garrett, girlfriend, Lilly Hoss, and Braedey.  Shane and Mandy have been married for over 27 years.  Mandy and Amanda will "job share" the secretary's position.  Mandy joined the office staff here at Bethany in November 2021.

Lisa Wihebrink

Lisa has been a member of Bethany since 1997 and became weekend Facility Coordinator in mid 2017 with some evening custodian hours. In August 2018 she was offered the full time position as daytime custodian. Lisa and her husband, Brian, have been very active over the years in different areas at Bethany. They have two children and are looking forward to watching how God will continue to unfold in their lives.

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